livery livery1 adj. 1.像肝的。 2.有肝病征状的。 n. 1.(侍从、仆人穿的)特别制服,号衣。 2.伦敦各种行会会员的制服;伦敦同业工会会员。 3.〔古语〕侍从,仆从。 4.〔诗〕鸟等的服装、装束。 5.(马的)日粮;(人的)口粮,配给粮食。 6.=livery stable. (马的)马房。 7.【法律】财富所有权的让渡(批准书)。 8.各种车辆出租行。 the livery of spring 春天的服装。 the livery of grief [woe] 丧服。 livery and bait 马的口粮。 at livery (马)付饲料[或费用]托人代养(着) ( keep a horse at livery 领饲料代人养马;付饲料托人养马;出租马)。 in livery 穿着制服。 out of livery 不穿制服,穿着便衣。 sue (for) one's livery (继承人)向法院申诉要求让渡财产。 take up one's livery 入同业公会。 the livery of sb.'s opinion 借用某人的意见。
stable adj. 1.稳定的;安定的;固定的。 2.意志坚定的,有恒心的。 stable currency 稳定的通货。 a stable economy 稳定的经济。 stable equilibrium 【物理学】稳[安]定平衡,(船的)复原力。 stable opinions 坚定的意见。 adv. -bly ,-ness n. n. 1.厩,马厩,马棚;〔罕用语〕牛栏,牛棚。 2.〔集合词〕同一个人所有的[一个马厩内的]全部马匹或牛。 3.〔集合词〕同一个经理人掌握的全部运动员[演员,作家等]。 4.〔常 pl.〕【军事】马厩值勤;马匹的查看(等);〔常用 stable-call〕马厩值勤号。 5.大学生用的一套解答书。 the whole stable 厩内所有马。 a stable police 〔美军俚〕马房兵。 back the wrong stable 赌错马,失算,考虑错。 stable manure 厩肥。 vt.,vi. 关进马厩(或牛棚)里,拴在马厩(牛棚)里;(马、牛)关在棚里。 Lock [Shut] the stable door when [after] the horse is stolen. 〔谚语〕贼走关门。 smell of the stable (一个人的言行)带有所从事职业的味道。 stable-boy 马夫。
He had already engaged a horse and buggy at the livery stable just around the corner from the bank . 他在银行拐角处的一家车马行里已经把马匹和车辆租妥。
Swagger around livery stables 她们在马房周围大摇大摆地转悠。
They had gone but a few blocks when a livery stable sign in one of the side streets solved the difficulty for him . he would take her to drive along the new boulevard 不过他们还没走过几条马路,就在一条横马路上看见一家出租马车的招牌,这给他解决了难题:他要带她坐马车逛逛新的林荫大道。
Accordingly , after a few such preliminaries , as , in spite of his having forgotten to take up his rather soapsuddy handkerchief after it had done yeoman service in the shaving line , brushing , they both walked together along beaver street , or , more properly , lane , as far as the farrier s and the distinctly fetid atmosphere of the livery stables at the corner of montgomery street where they made tracks to the left from thence debouching into amiens street round by the corner of dan bergin s 他那块略沾肥皂味的手绢尽到掸刨花的责任后,就掉在地上了,他忘记把它拾起来,却用手去揩拭。准备就绪后,他们二人就一道沿着比弗街或说得更确切些,比弗巷一直走到蒙哥马利街角那座钉马掌的棚子和散发着强烈臭气的出租马车行那儿,向左转,又在丹伯金那家店跟前拐弯,走进阿缅斯街。
stable where horses and vehicles are kept for hire